about us

The Veritas Tenants Association (VTA) is the citywide tenant union for renters living in Veritas/GreenTree buildings.
Veritas Investments is the largest landlord in San Francisco, and one of the largest multifamily operators in California.
The VTA, founded in 2017, is the united voice of hundreds of San Francisco renters. Together, VTA members fight for and win improvements in their quality of life, lower rents, and a greater voice in the decisions affecting their homes. VTA has organized in more than 100 apartment buildings operated by SF’s largest landlord, Veritas Investments. The VTA has fought for and won more affordable rents, better construction practices, rent reductions for members, and stronger organizing rights for all SF renters.
The VTA is led by Veritas/GreenTree tenants. Decisions are made through citywide meetings and assemblies. Each VTA building organizes itself using SF’s Union-At-Home ordinance and then decides whether to affiliate with the citywide VTA. To date, more than 500 tenants in more than 30 buildings have organized building-based tenant associations and have affiliated with the citywide VTA.

2017 - First citywide gathering of Veritas tenants from 15 buildings
2018 - Tenants begin publicly exposing Veritas’ harmful business practices through direct action and the news media
2019 - After leading the passage of citywide legislation to stop landlords from passing on debt service and property tax as part of 7% rent increases, VTA members succeed in rolling back 7% rent increases at 34 buildings, benefitting 532 households across the city. This was the VTA’s first significant rollback of rents achieved through organizing and public action.
2020 - The VTA learns of Veritas’ intent to sell 76 buildings in one bundle. Tenants in each building begin circulating majority petitions to demand negotiations on terms of sale. When COVID starts, Veritas pauses the sale, and the buildings remain under Veritas ownership.
2021 - The VTA organizes the country’s first-ever rent-debt strike to demand Veritas waive remaining rent debt not covered by government programs and make concessions on “shadow debt.”
2022 - The VTA leads the passage of groundbreaking citywide legislation to extend collective-bargaining rights to SF tenants. Called the “Union-At-Home” ordinance, the law codifies a framework for collective bargaining between tenant associations and landlords and classifies all organizing rights as an essential housing service.
contact us
Reach out if you want to join the movement, join VTA or start a petition in your building!